14/02/2025 4:00 ص

U-shaped mounting bracket

U shaped mounting bracket attaches the rectangular iron profile to a wide plate or surface of wood or any other martial, likewise

It possesses two holes to screw it onto the surface to keep it firm while connecting the two objects. 


bsd metal industry,U shaped bracket
U-shaped mounting bracket

The U-shaped bracket is made of iron with a 2mm depth and plated with a chrome-nickel cover to withstand corrosion and rust.

you can use this bracket anywhere you need to attach or hang things from a wall 

it may be a frame or a small fire extinguisher that needs to hang from a wall to be ready in case of fire

brackets made by Davari Industry foundation meet all safety standards 

the bsd logo, abbreviated as BSD, implies the name Bonyad Sanat Davari the Persian meaning of Davari Industry Foundation, respectively

U shaped bracket

the engraved bsd logo on the top of the product also makes sure that this product is from the proper manufacturer called bsd

the chrome-nickel cover applied by an industrial process gives a brilliant appearance to this bracket and makes it durable

there are already two parallel holes within the product 

the two holes are within the symmetrical central line alongside the shape of the top of the product

U-shaped bracket, and all products from BSD contain the logo engraved on one of the surfaces of them 

bsd group basically guarantees that the product will work permanently and will not take damages easily

after all, the size and the dimension of all products are in a table in the Persian version of the website

Note: Currently, the purchase is only available in Iran

so if you’re already in the country

then you can buy this product through the following link (in the Persian language using Iranian bank accounts):



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